

DCEO Cluster Manager

  • 위치 서울특별시 강남구
  • 설립 2012년 설립
  • 직원수 직원수 501 ~ 1,000명
  • 마감일 상시채용
  • 경력 경력무관, 경력(15~25년)
  • 근무지 서울 근무

공고 정보

아마존은 어떤 채용을 진행 중인가요?

데이터센터 MEP 엔지니어 리딩

At Amazon, we're working to be the most customer-centric company on earth. To get there, we need exceptionally talented, bright, and driven people. If you'd like to help us build the place to find and buy anything online and continue to build and expand The Cloud in Korea, this is your chance to make history. The Infrastructure Operations organization is looking for an extraordinary individual with proven and tested leadership and management skills as a leader in our facilities operations organization in Korea as a Data Center Engineering Operations (DCEO) Cluster Manager. DCEO Cluster Manager is one of our most senior management roles in Korea. In this role, you will be responsible for leading a large organization, managing Area Managers and/or Facility Managers who own data center facility infrastructure. In other words, DCEO Cluster Manager is ultimately in charge of managing multiple data centers. The pace, scale, and growth of Amazon’s data center platform will challenge you. Our uncompromisingly high standards as we continually seek to innovate on behalf of our customers will push you to new levels of creativity. At this level Amazon is unique in that we seek experienced senior leaders who have evolved to be highly strategic in their approach to managing their business unit, yet understand how to lead large teams by example who will not hesitate to roll up their sleeves when tactical needs dictate it. The ideal candidate for this role will have a strong understanding in data center/mission critical MEP infrastructure. You will be the single point of the contact for all facility related issues from Korea team and work as the technical resource to support Regional Cluster Manager. You will solely be responsible for maintaining 100% service uptime in your Cluster. You have a very high-level view of your organization but you will need to deep dive into details as needed. You will also be interacting with global team on a daily basis by representing Korea Data Center Engineering Operations team. If you are passionate about the Customer Experience, think and act globally and want to contribute to the operational excellence of Amazon.com data centers. This may be the challenge you’ve been looking for! Responsibilities · Hiring, managing, and developing the operations management team including facility managers, area managers, chief engineers, facility technicians. · Establish performance benchmarks, conduct analyses, and prepare reports on all aspects of the critical facility operations and maintenance · Responsible for the on-site management of shift technicians, senior shift technicians, sub-contractors and vendors, ensuring that all work performed is in accordance with established practices and procedures. · Build and maintain sustainable organizational structure. · Work with business development, real estate, engineering and construction team to forecast staffing and maintain. · Mentor and develop employees. · Hiring strategy and participation in recruiting events. · Operation and maintenance of mechanical, electrical, and controls systems for Amazon data centers to include preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance, and change management. · Manage all facility related repairs in a timely manner · Daily/weekly/monthly/Data Center Engineering Operations meetings and reporting. · Run weekly availability meeting and report outcomes. · Liaise with global team on global initiatives as well as process and procedures, implement those initiatives locally in Korea · Vendor management of colocation data center services providers to meet or exceed contracted performance SLA’s. · Safety, security, and availability incident response, incident management, incident resolution, and root cause analysis. · Cost management including OPEX and CAPEX associated with all data centers you are in charge. · Continuous improvement of operational processes, procedures, methods, and tools. · Lead and manage energy efficiency initiatives in your Cluster. · Support capacity planning and management BASIC QUALIFICATIONS · Bachelor's degree in engineering, computer science, or a related field. · 7+ years of experience operating as a manager of managers. · 10+ years of relevant experience managing mission critical facilities · Ability to read and understand all technical documents needed for facility operations · In depth knowledge of Data Center Facilities such as generators, chillers, cooling towers, air handling units, UPS, electrical sub distribution systems, fire detection and suppression systems, cable reticulation systems · Business level English to communicate with global team · Ability to respond to all facility related emergency in a timely manner, with sound recovery plans. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS · Masters Degree in Engineering, or related fields. · Mission Critical facility management experience for a large enterprise or large Colocation provider · Knowledge in servers, network, and platform

회사 정보

아마존은 어떤 회사인가요?

Amazon은 솔루션·SI·ERP·CRM 업체로 클라우딩 서비스를 주요 사업으로 영위하고 있습니다. 개발자와 기업들이 웹 서비스를 사용하여 정교하고 확장 가능한 응용 프로그램을 쉽게 구축하고 비용을 지불할 수 있도록 한다는 미션 하에 적합한 도구와 서비스를 제공하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다.

아마존은 일해보고 싶은 회사인가요?

블라인드 회원 중 86%가 아마존에서 일하고 싶다고 응답했습니다.


아마존 리뷰 842개 리뷰

회사 리뷰 4.1
업계 평균 3.2
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